
Privacy Policy

At AmazonWare, it is our duty, not an option or courtesy, to safeguard the privacy of all information collected through our websites.

We will only request information that is strictly necessary for the execution of the services we offer, and when we do so, it will be with the user’s knowledge and consent, providing justification for the request and explaining how the information will be used.

The collected information will be stored by us for the minimum time necessary to fulfill the services we offer. We will make efforts to prevent any unauthorized access or disclosure, except in cases required by law and only to the duly empowered authority.

We commit in advance not to sell the data collected by us, even if it prevents the user identification.

If our websites contain or come to contain links to third-party sites external to ours, this does not imply or indicate agreement or joint responsibility for the information contained in those other sites, over which we have no control, including their privacy policies, which may have different guidelines than ours.

Before entering their information, the user will be alerted about our privacy policy. They will be free to disagree with it and decline acceptance, which will prevent them from accessing the offered service. If they agree, they will fully accept the conditions of our policy and will not be able to enjoy the services we offer, whether acquired for a fee or free of charge, in order to:

  1. Cause harm to equipment or compromise computer programs in any way, to anyone;
  2. Spread false information or information of a racist, discriminatory, sexist, pornographic, or terrorist nature;
  3. Explicitly or subliminally induce others to engage in any form of illegality;
  4. Commit any crime as defined by law, either locally or abroad.

In case of doubt or omission regarding topics concerning our Privacy Policy, please contact us through the Support channel, provided on this website.